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Michael Strahan Motivational Quotes

Michael Strahan's Inspiring Quotes on Success

Embracing Authenticity and Hard Work

"Believe it and it will happen. This is who I am. I don't want to try to be [someone I'm not]."

In this quote, Michael Strahan underscores the importance of self-belief and authenticity. He encourages individuals to embrace who they truly are, rather than conforming to societal expectations. Strahan believes that by owning one's identity and pursuing passions, success will naturally follow.

"At the same time it makes me feel like I have to prove myself to the [world]."

Strahan acknowledges the pressures that come with achieving success. He feels obligated to continuously demonstrate his worthiness, which drives him to work even harder.

"As an athlete, you're brought up with that mentality that you finish everything you start. If you're going to start a meal, you finish it. If you're going to start a race, you finish it."

Strahan emphasizes the significance of perseverance and determination. He believes that regardless of the task, it's essential to see it through to completion. This mindset has been instilled in him through his athletic career and continues to guide him in all aspects of his life.
